Veerappan Mani, Ph.D., MRSC, AFHEA
Senior Research Scientist
University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Invited talks at conferences, seminars, and webinars
Invited talk: Webinar on “Bio-nanotechnology: From sensors to therapeutics” organized by the Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia (Feb. 19, 2022).
Title: Nano-biosensors for food and healthcare applications
Webinar: Invited talk at PG & Research Department of Chemistry, Bishop Heber College of Pharmacy, India, February 3-4, 2021. 88th International virtual learning series.
Title: Wearable Chemical Sensors for Healthcare Monitoring
Webinar: Invited talk at the Department of Chemistry, Thiruvalluvar University, India, September 22, 2020. International e-Conference on Recent Developments in Organic and Inorganic Materials
Title: Electrochemical biosensors targeting salivary markers
Webinar: Invited talk at Department of Chemistry, Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Pharmacy, India, September 22, 2020. International Conference on frontiers in chemical research
Title: Diagnostic value of saliva biomarkers
Invited speaker in an international webinar "Recent Development of Advanced Materials & Applications of Biosensors-2020" organized by the Department of Chemistry, Sri Vijay Vidyalaya College of Arts & Science, India on August 12, 2020.
Title: Advanced biosensor applications in clinical diagnostics
Invited speaker in a webinar, "International virtual conference on advanced materials for sustainable development" organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, India, August 7-8, 2020.
Title: Materials design for real-time chemical sensors.
Invited talk: 2020 Spring Seminar Series- Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division, KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Title of the talk: Real-time in-situ monitoring of endogenous redox chemicals using electrochemical sensors.
Invited Lecture: Department of Chemistry, PSA Arts & Science College, Dharmapuri, India (August 11, 2018). Title: Materials design for electrochemical energy and analytical applications.
Plenary Lecture in a conference ‘Frontiers in Advanced Materials and their Applications (FAMA’2018)’ organized by the Department of Chemistry, Bishop Heber College, India (January 9, 2018).
International advisory committee Member for International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Machining ICMMM 2018, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, International Conference, Erode, Tamil Nadu, 22-24 March 2018.
Organizing committee, session co-chair, and speaker in “2016 Taiwan-India Frontier Biosensors, Green Energy, and Functional Materials Workshop” held at National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, Dec. 1-2, 2016.
Invited talk: 2016 Taiwan India Frontier Biosensors and Energy Materials Workshop held at National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan (Dec. 2, 2016). Title: 2D layered nanomaterials for sensors, biosensors, and energy applications.
Invited talk in a seminar organized by the Department of Chemistry, Bishop Heber College, India (September 8, 2016). Title: Graphene nanocomposite synthesis for electrochemical sensing applications.
Invited talk in a seminar organized by St. Joseph’s College, India (September 7, 2016). Title: Carbon nanomaterials in electrochemical biosensing and energy applications.
Invited Lecture: Department of Chemistry, Sri Vijay Vidyalaya College of Arts & Science, India (August 31, 2016). Title: Nanomaterials synthesis for biosensing applications in medicinal diagnosis.
Invited Lecture: Department of Chemistry, P.M.P. Arts & Science College, Dharmapuri, India (August 18, 2015). Title: Electrochemical technology in clinical diagnostics.
Invited Seminar: International Sensors Research and Autumn Education held at Taipei Tech, Taiwan (Sep. 26, 2013). Title: Synthesis of graphene-phthalocyanine composites for biosensors and biofuel cells.
Proceedings and poster presentations at Conferences
Khushaim, W., Peramaiah, K., Beduk, T., Vijjapu, M.T., de Oliveira Filho, J.I., Huang, K.W., Mani, V. and Salama, K.N. Biosensors for the sensitive and accurate detection of acute myocardial infarction biomarkers, Future of Semiconductors Forum organized by KACST and KAUST, March 2022 (Riyadh, KSA).
Khushaim, W., Peramaiah, K., Beduk, T., Vijjapu, M.T., de Oliveira Filho, J.I., Huang, K.W., Mani, V. and Salama, K.N., Biosensors for the sensitive and accurate detection of heart disease biomarkers, 17th IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN’22) BHI-BSN, September2022 (Ioannina, Greece).
Khushaim, W., Peramaiah, K., Beduk, T., Vijjapu, M.T., de Oliveira Filho, J.I., Huang, K.W., Mani, V. and Salama, K.N., Biosensors for the rapid diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, The 10th international workshop on biosensors, October 2022 (Dakhla, Morocco).
V. Mani, Design, and synthesis of nano-interfaces for real-time profiling of endogenous oxidants release in live cells, An-Pang Tsai Memorial Joint Symposium of Taipei Tech and Tohoku University, held in Tohoku University, Japan, November 24–26, 2019.
V. Mani, B. Dinesh, S.M. Chen, J.-J. Syu “Preparation of reduced graphene oxide- multiwalled carbon nanotubes-platinum nanocomposite and its biosensor applications”, 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (ISTS) held in Taipei, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2015.
D.-H. Zhao, V. Mani, S.M. Chen, H.-H. Chiu “Preparation of chemically reduced graphene oxide modified glassy carbon electrode for highly selective amperometric determination of nitrite”, 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (ISTS) held in Taipei, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2015.
D.-H. Zhao, V. Mani, S.M. Chen, H.-H. Chiu “Preparation of chemically reduced graphene oxide modified glassy carbon electrode for highly selective amperometric determination of nitrite”, 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (ISTS) held in Taipei, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2015.
Y.-S. Hou, V. Mani, V. Vediyappan, S.M. Chen, Reduced graphene oxide-multiwalled carbon nanotubes-platinum nanoparticles nanocomposite application towards hydrogen peroxide and nitrite, 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (ISTS) held in Taipei, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2015.
D.-H. Zhao, R. Devasenathipathy, V. Mani, S.M. Chen, Simple electrochemical deposition of CCLP stabilized GNPs decorated at graphene nanosheets and their application in hydrazine detection, 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (ISTS) held in Taipei, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2015.
S. Sakthinathan, V.K. Ponnusamy, V. Mani, S.M. Chen “Selective electrochemical determination of dopamine at graphene nanosheets/polyethyleneimine/gold nanoparticle composite modified electrode”, 2014 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei.
B. Thirumalraj, B. Dinesh, V. Mani, R. Saraswathi, S.M. Chen “Trace Level Of Hydrogen Peroxide Based On Direct Electrochemistry Of Cytochrome C Immobilized Graphene Oxide–Carbon Nanotube Composite”, 2014 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei.
S.M. Chen, R. Ramachandran, V. Mani, R. Saraswathi, Y.-S. Hou “A review on recently developed novel electrode materials for electrochemical supercapacitors applications”, 2014 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei.
V. Mani, T.Y. Wu, S.M. Chen, “Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Amperometric Sensors for the Determination of Herbicides Diuron and Fenuron”, 60th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Taipei, Taiwan. November 23-24, 2013.
C. Karuppiah, B. Unnikrishnan, S.M. Chen, V. Mani, Amperometric Detection of Nitrite using Polydiphenylamine-Platinum Composite Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, 60th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Taipei, Taiwan. November 23-24, 2013.
V. Mani, T.Y. Wu, S.M. Chen, Graphene-carbon nanotubes-Fe nanoparticles composite modified electrode for the sensitive detection of nitrite, 60th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Taipei, Taiwan. November 23-24, 2013.
V. Mani, A.T. Ezhil Villian, S.M. Chen, Fabrication of Graphene Oxide Dispersed Carbon Nanotube and Iron Phthalocyanine Composite Modified Electrode for the Electrocatalytic Determination of Hydrazine, 2013 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei.
T.Y. Wu, V. Mani, A.P. Periasamy, S.M. Chen Chemically reduced graphene oxide modified electrode for nitrite sensor, “18th Annual Conference of Chemical Sensors” held in National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1, 2013.
V. Mani, B. Unnikrishnan, P.L. Ru, S.M. Chen, Chemically reduced graphene oxide modified electrode for nitrite sensor, “18th Annual Conference of Chemical Sensors” held in National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1, 2013.
B. Unnikrishnan, V. Mani, S.M. Chen, L.H. Huang, Electrochemically reduced graphene oxide–single-walled carbon nanotube Composite film for carbamazepine determination, “18th Annual Conference of Chemical Sensors” held in National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1, 2013
V. Mani, B. Devadas, S.M. Chen, Y. Li, Immobilization of enzymes and redox proteins and their electrochemical biosensor applications, ECS Transactions 2012, 50, 35–41.
S.M. Chen, V. Mani, S. Palanisamy, Y. Li, Immobilization of enzymes and redox proteins and their electrochemical biosensor applications, 222th ECS Meeting 2012 The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 7–12, 2012.
S.M. Chen, Y. Li, V. Mani, M. Rajkumar, Electrochemical biosensor and biofuel cell applications of nanomaterials modified electrodes, 222th ECS Meeting 2012 The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 7–12, 2012.
S.M. Chen, V. Mani, Y. Li, S. Palanisamy, Fabrication and characterization of graphene-based composite materials for the electrochemical sensors and energy storage device applications, Crystal & Graphene Science Symposium-2012, Waltham, USA, September 5–6, 2012.
S.M. Chen, B. Devadas, V. Mani, S. Palanisamy, Synthesis and characterization of carbon-based composite materials and their application in the construction of enzymatic biofuel cells, The 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Electrochemistry for a New Era, Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico, September 8 - 13 2013.
V. Mani, S.A. Kumar, H.-W. Cheng, S.M. Chen, Preparation and characterization of copper nanoparticles/zinc oxide composite modified electrode and its application to glucose sensing, 2010 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society held in National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 3–5, 2010.
V. Mani, R. Thangamuthu, S.M. Chen Preparation and characterization of phosphotungstate-doped-glutaraldehyde-cross-linked poly-L-lysine for the development of Iodate biosensor, 2011 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society held in Taipei, Taiwan, December 3–4, 2011.
V. Mani, A.P. Periasamy, S.M. Chen, Highly selective amperometric nitrite sensor based on chemically reduced graphene oxide, 2012 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers held in Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, November 24-25, 2012.
B. Devadas, V. Mani, S.M. Chen, Biofuel cell based on graphene oxide and multiwalled carbon nanotube modified electrode, 2012 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, November 24-25, 2012.
V. Mani, B. Devadas, S.M. Chen, A novel glucose biosensor based on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide-multiwalled carbon nanotubes hybrid material modified electrode, 2012 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society held in Tainan, Taiwan, December 1-2, 2012.